More services. Lower taxes. Greater wealth.
As you read these paragraphs, please note that they are in firstperson. That’s because my approach is personal, and these time-tested techniques derive directly from my hands-on experience and personal beliefs.
Frankly, that starts with a respect for you and your accomplishments. You’re smart, or you wouldn’t be successful. My goal is simply to increase – exponentially – your financial growth.
If my methodology conveys allusions to “hand-to-hand combat”… that’s not an accident.
We all face a trained, powerful, decades-old IRS bureaucracy. A steamrolling juggernaut with single-minded purpose that, frankly, intimidates many CPA’s. Some capitulate.
I never will. I am an advocate for you. I’m willing to go above and beyond perfunctory procedures to help you reach much higher goals. The ones that change your life. The ones you deserve.
Personal Finance Guidance
“Famous financial gurus often care about ( 1 ) entertaining audiences, ( 2 ) holding seminars and (3 ) selling books. One caveat, in all fairness: these people pass on helpful elementary principles that anyone practicing fiscal discipline should use. What you won’t get are seasoned insights into how strategic tax deductions dramatically impact wealth creation. As an IRS-savvy CPA with a trained financial mind, I can offer the best of both worlds. I help people create tax-efficient wealth.”
Financial Analysis and Forecasting
“A customized Excel worksheet I’ve created allows me to ‘mock-up’ a tax return before the end of the year… based on a client’s prospective income. Using this, clients can begin to understand — in real-time, and ahead of time – the tax impacts of theoretical income decisions. And they see the big picture: how different types of income or income decisions ultimately impact the bottom line. The easiest mistakes to fix are the ones you avoid making.”
Small Business Start-up Consulting
“Along with my father and grandfather, I’m a small business owner. We’ve spent years learning best practices and management technologies that make our businesses run more efficiently. Naturally, that success always included superior tax strategies – including practices used by much-larger companies. Good tax advice shouldn’t be reserved for the wealthy. I decode the complex and make it simple. I help everyone from start-ups to established business owners pay less to the government.”

Real Estate
“My family has been investing in commercial and residential real estate since the early 1980’s, in almost every market condition. We’ve kept many clients from going bankrupt on bad investments, and we’ve helped them make good decisions producing solid cashflow. However, we don’t sell real estate – the objectivity makes a difference — and our focus on tax-planning provides extra insight. (In Life Insurance/Annuities, for example, we help clients determine if their agent is over-selling for a higher commission check.)”
Qualified and Non-Qualified capital investing and tax implications
“To expand on that thought, I’ve avoided obtaining a broker’s license or any kind of financial-services license because I don’t want my advice to be corrupted by a commission check. I don’t use my knowledge to ‘sell’ anyone anything. I tell our clients — in plain English — if their stockbroker/wealth manager is giving them beneficial advice … or if he/she is trying to sell them something they don’t really need.”
Medical-Professional Taxation
“We have a unique approach to one-percenters. Government bureaucrats are
frequently fond of passing legislation that requires the highest-earners to pay their
(perpetually-higher) ‘fair share’. By contrast, we help doctors legally reduce their tax
burden. We use a variety of strategies… from the very simple to the very profound. As
a result, we enable the children of doctors to be the benefactors of their wealth…
instead of the government. I subscribe to the ‘radical theory’ that you are better-equipped to make better plans for your money than the government.”

Ministerial Taxation
“Both my father and I have been ministers. We’re passionate about helping people who are doing God’s work stay out of tax trouble. (Believe it or not, the way the IRS wants ministers to be taxed could be construed by some as government persecution.) IRS publications are not law, yet they use these ‘guidelines’ to extract ‘protection money’ for ‘greater peace of mind’. We educate ministers on what the law actually says. And we show them how to think in worldly terms while engaged in spiritual warfare.”
Business and Individual Tax Preparation and Planning
“For more-routine tax returns, we provide tailored services for accurate filing and more. BONUS ONE: I’ll give you three-to-five tax tips everyone should be doing. BONUS TWO: Email me questions throughout the year for guidance. An ounce of pro-active prevention is worth a pound of damage-control cure. (Simple Truth: I could probably fix my own plumbing, but it would take twice as long — and be half as good — as a professional’s. That’s why our expertise takes half the time, and is twice as good.)”