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Hire a soldier of fortune.

There are probably familiar, timeworn stereotypes about CPA’s: how they look, how they talk, how they think. Jeremy Eldridge is, unapologetically, none of those. He is steadfastly determined to aggressively use every legal means to help clients keep more of what they’ve earned.

Your CPA should work for you. Not the IRS.

Because our approach is unique, new clients ask good questions about it. “I usually do my own taxes – why should I hire you?” “Is this legal?” “What can you do to help me?” “Am I ‘important enough’ to hire a professional?” “Do I have enough income for tax planning?” “How much do you cost?” “I may have ongoing questions – what kind of personal service can I expect?”

Direct questions deserve straight answers. Click here to hear them.

Meet the Eldridge Group


Superior tax strategy. Round-the-clock service.

Helping you discover a lower tax bill requires every weapon at our disposal. And a few that – most likely – will be new to you. We’ve spent years honing our strategies, but we continue to pore through the mountains of ever-changing IRS data to improve them. And find new ones.

That dedication requires keeping you in the loop. Answering your questions. Walking you through smarter ways to approach income. We’re the opposite of “one-size fits all”, so each client is unique. And our attention-to-detail and personal service is ongoing.

More services. Lower taxes. Greater wealth.

High-Income Tax Analysis

Large-portfolio clients face special government hurdles. Lots of them. We customize the best approach. For all of them.

Tax Preparation

Regardless of your earnings, “simple solutions” typically deliver simple results. You’ll pay more. Needlessly. We’ll fix that.

Business Consulting

We are, intentionally, not real estate brokers. Objectivity shouldn’t be clouded by commissions. But our tested wisdom yields results.

More services. Lower taxes. Greater wealth. 

I am an advocate for you. I’m willing to go above and beyond perfunctory procedures to help you reach much higher goals. The ones that change your life. The ones you deserve.

What Our Clients Have to Say
